
House Leagues

Join as a free agent, or play with a partner in our handicap rated leagues. Prizes from local businesses await the champions - along with eternal glory and a “big check”.

League typically run during the Fall and Winter seasons. In order to be put on a wait list, please click the link below to email us (or join our email newsletter).

Our next league will be a Fall league starting in October 2024. See you then!

Create your own league, your way!

You call the shots, select the courses, and we'll ensure unforgettable moments. This personalized league format empowers you to manage your league effortlessly. Opt for the most sought-after league formats, and let our expert Happy’s staff handle the details.

Key Details:

  • Duration: A minimum of 8 weeks of indoor golf excitement.

  • Participants: Rally a minimum of 8 players for an epic league.

The Power is Yours!

Craft the league you've always envisioned. Shoot us a message at to kickstart the journey.